How to support the Trust
How to support the Ruth First Educational Trust
The Trust urgently needs financial support to enable us to continue to make a valuable contribution to the development of the southern Africa. We’d also be delighted to have more people actively involved in the Trust’s activities. Please let us know if you’re interested: contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Mike Thompson.
Members of staff of Durham University: the most convenient way to make a continuing contribution is by a monthly deduction from your salary. Please contact the Chair to set this up.
Other individual supporters: please consider making a regular monthly or annual donation by standing order. Contact the Treasurer, Francis Pritchard. You can also make one-off or regular donations online through our Localgiving page.
Organizations and companies: the Trust has a long and well-respected record of providing educational opportunities; we would be delighted to discuss corporate sponsorship with organizations and companies with an interest in southern Africa, or in education and development in general. Please contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Mike Thompson.
Updated Sept 2022 Mike Thompson [email protected] | Back to home page |